Terms & Conditions
Lessons & Bands
1. Payments/Invoicing
1a) NMA only accepts payments for a whole term (9-11 weeks). You cannot pay for each lesson as you go unless this has been agreed upon with the Managing Director.
1b) The term fee must be paid before the first lesson begins.
1c) An invoice will go out before the start of each term and when the payment is made, lessons will commence.
1d) New students will receive an invoice when their enrolment is processed.
1e) Payments must be made through internet banking. We do not accept cash.
1f) Payment is due within 2-4 weeks of your invoice being sent out. The due date will be clearly stated on your invoice and invoice email. If this is not paid in full by the due date, then a $35 late fee will be added to your account. This does not include families who have set up an automatic payment agreed upon by the Managing Director.
1g) Payments must be deposited in our bank account:
Payable to: Napier Music Academy
Reference: Students name eg B Smith
2. Debt Collection details
2a) Payments more than 60 days in arrear will be handed over to Baycorp Debt Collection New Zealand.
2b) NMA will attempt numerous contacts prior to resorting to this unfortunate measure.
2c) All costs incurred for sending an account for debt collection are added to the student’s outstanding balance.
3. Term Dates
3a) The NMA’s terms adhere to the NZ Ministry of Education school terms. However, sometimes there can be slight changes so please refer to our website for these changes.
3b) Public holidays - we do not operate on public holidays.
4. Timetabling of lessons
4a) Students will be informed of their lesson time/day by at least 2 days in advance
4b) If NMA needs to change the lesson time/day, the students will be contacted as far in advance as possible to make alternative arrangements that suit the student and NMA.
4c) Each student must take responsibility for their lesson time each week. It is not the responsibility of NMA teachers to remind students or collect students from class.
5. Absences
Group lessons/School-based programme
5a) No catch-up lesson or credits will be provided for an individuals absence from a group music lesson eg group guitar lesson.
5b) In the case where the entire group is absent and has given 24 hours notice, a catch-up lesson will be arranged if the schedule permits or credit will be added to the student's account.
5c) If a student cannot attend lessons for more than two weeks due to medical reasons, you must provide a medical certificate. Catch-up lessons will be arranged if possible or you will be credited for the lessons missed.
Individual lessons
5d) If the student cannot make a lesson, 24 hours notice must be given and a catch-up lesson will be arranged if the schedule permits.
5e) If the student cannot make a lesson, and less than 24 hours notice is given, no catch-up lesson will be arranged and the lesson will still be charged.
6. Photography & Filming
6a) By registering for lessons with NMA, you are adhering to our Terms & Conditions. This means that NMA owns and reserves the right to use any film/media/still photographs of students for appropriate promotional purposes both in New Zealand and overseas, this also includes for use in Social Media.
6b) You (or your parents if you are under 18 years of age) must inform NMA in writing at anytime if you will not allow the use of such images.
7. Changes to the Terms and Conditions
7a) The Terms and Conditions described above are agreed to upon enrolment and may be changed at any point by NMA without providing notice to the student. A copy of the Terms and Conditions will always be available on our website and may be emailed to the student on request.
Holiday Programmes
1. Holiday Programme Payments/Invoicing
1a) NMA only accepts full payment for the whole week of the holiday programme. You cannot pay as you go.
1b) The full weekly fee must be paid BEFORE the holiday programme begins to secure your spot. We have limited spaces so if you have not paid, you may lose your place in the programme.
1c) An invoice will go out to families via email the week before the programme.
1d) Payments must be made through internet banking. We do not accept cash.
1e) Payments must be deposited in our bank account:
Reference: Students name eg B Smith
2. Holiday Programme Absences
1a) No credits will be provided for an individuals absence from the music holiday programme
1b) In the case where the entire group of students are absent due to unforeseen circumstances, credit will be added to the student's account or you will be refunded for the day’s amount.
1c) If a student cannot attend the holiday programme for 3 or more consecutive days due to sickness or medical reasons, you must provide a medical certificate to be refunded for the days missed.